Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cam Collins
Pan's Labyrinth Review
11 May 2010

The movie "Pan's Labyrinth", directed by famous Guillermo del Toro, began with a prolepsis. The prolepsis consisted of a young latin american girl dying on the ground. This unusual beginning to the film allowed for curiosity to flow through the audience's mind and attract their interest.

After the prolepsis ended, the film's setting transferred to a forest where car was winding away on a dirt path. The car then stopped, and a woman came out screaming because of her child birth pains. Immediately, a young girl, Ofelia, also called princess, escaped from the group of people and went over to the side of the road. She picked up a rock, and then went further into the woods. She then placed this rock in a hole in a stone statue. Following her notion, a small fairy came out of a hole in the statue. Ofelia then went back to the car, with her aching mother, and they drove off. The fairy that came out of the stone statue followed the carriage to its destination.

Once the group arrived at the destination, which was located in Spain during the war amongst the nationalists and the republicans, General Vidal was presented to the audience. Vidal was a cold-blooded commander that wasn't afraid to kill anyone in his path. He was married to Ofelia's pregnant mother. After she transported all of her luggage into the house, Ofelia went outside. She then saw the fairy that she saw previously in the stone statue. The fairy told Ofelia to follow it and the fairy led Ofelia to a labyrinth deep into the forest. She went to a spot in the middle of the forest, and then went down a closed chamber with the fairy. When Ofelia reached the bottom, she met another mysterious creature, called a faun, that informed her of a special rose that would allow Ofelia to possess immortality. The faun also said that she had to complete three tasks before a full moon in order to obtain immortality.

The first task that Ofelia completed was obtaining a key from this ugly monster underground. The next deed that she fulfilled was when she obtained the dagger, and was almost caught by a being with its inner flesh as skin. She completed the last task when she took the newborn baby from General Vidal and carried it to the labyrinth. While this happened, the general who was not fully to his senses because Ofelia drugged him, followed Ofelia to the Labyrinth with a gun in hand to try and kill her. Once both reached the labyrinth, the faun told Ofelia that a drop of blood from the baby was needed in order to open the portal. However, Ofelia would not give up the baby, and right after, Vidal came up to her and shot her.

Ofelia then awoke in what looked like a heaven of some sort. The faun was there and the person seated on the throne told her that she had completed the three tasks. The man on the throne told Ofelia that she would be rewarded because of her sacrifice to her baby brother. It was time for Ofelia to be united with her real father because of her state of immortality that she had just achieved.

"Pan's Labyrinth" is a fictional movie that deals with various themes such as the quest for immortality, mystery, and the searching for one to find themselves through adventure. The fairies are motifs throughout the movie and they symbolize the world of the supernatural conflicting with the world of natural. This is an excellent movie for those who like to imagine themselves in a world of adventure and fantasy.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Cam Collins
New Post
8 May 2010

So far, my sophomore year has been a very successful year athletically. Although I did not reach my goals in cross country, it was still a great season and I got to meet many new people and bond with others. Even though in life many times things don't go your way, as long as you are developing friendships, there is always something to remember.

However, during basketball season I met most of my goals, and it was a very successful season in gaining lots of experience. My first goal was to make the varsity; second was to start; third was to make the team better with my contributions. I achieved all of these goals through hard work and God's blessing. This year, I also wanted to make the all region team, but I will just have to get it next year. Basketball is the sport I want to play in college, so it was very satisfying to me that I got to start as a sophomore and gain experience for the future.

Starting right after I finished basketball, I began track. It was discouraging at first because I had to get back in distance-running shape, which takes at least two or three weeks. After that, I had to get into track shape, which is fast running for long periods of time. My first meet a week after starting to run again was a success though, because I got first place and a personal record for the 800. That really pumped me up, but it also allowed me to think I was already better than everyone else, which I was by far not. My second meet of the year directly following spring break made me snap back into reality. I ran the mile and got second, running a 4:54, which was slower than last year, and then right after that I got third in the 800, losing to two people on my team that had never beat me before. I knew then that it was time for me to get my act together, start working hard, and improving. Since then I have lowered my times greatly, in which I have qualified for state in the 4by4, 800, and 1600. My goal is to win state in one event and place very high in the other two. Nonetheless, I am thankful for the position God has put me in and I will run the race in honor of his glory.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Summary : "Of Love and Other Demons"

Cam Collins
2 May 2010

In the beginning of the novel, a girl of twelve years of age, Sierva Maria, gets bitten by a dog and contracts rabies. Sierva Maria is a girl living in a royal house, her father the Marquis, and her mother a woman named Bernarda. Bernarda lies in her room all day everyday bathing and taking cacao tablets. She smells like soap from her six bathings a day. The Marquis also usually resides in the house. Both parents do not care much for Sierva Maria until she is bitten and diagnosed with rabies.

After Sierva Maria has been bit by the dog, the Marquis visits Abrenuncio, the well-known physician around the city. At the same time, Sierva Maria has been acting very strange, laying sprawled on the floor panting and weeping day and night. Abrenuncio informs the Marquis that Sierva Maria has rabies and that no one has ever survived rabies so she does not have that much longer to live.

Immediately after his confrontation with Abrenuncio, the Marquis goes to the Bishop to get his opinion of what to do with Sierva Maria. The Bishop holds that Sierva Maria should be taken to the Convent of Santa Clara because her strange actions at home are very similar to the actions of one who is possessed by demons. He then decides that he will take Sierva Maria to the convent and dresses her beautifly, takes her valise, and they are off.

The Bishop's assistant, Cayetano Delaura, is asked to take over the exorcism of Sierva Maria. He is reluctant to accept this mission, feeling that he is not worthy to take the job. In his first meeting with Sierva Maria, Delaura is unsuccessful. He continues to come back, giving her pastries from the arcades. They grow with one another, and over time fall in love. He is thirty-six and she is twelve. Will their love relationship prosper? Will she be cured of her demons? Read the rest and find out.